Olivia doesn't spend a lot of time on her tummy, but lately we've been letting her cry there for a few minutes each day... and a few weeks ago to my utter amazement she tipped herself to the side and over she went, rolling onto her back. Of course I'd forgotten my phone so I couldn't ring Matthew to tell him... but I told him as soon as he got to April's house that evening. He, having faith that his daughter is of a superior strength than most other 3 month old babies, put her on her front again, and she showed him her new found trick. Twice.
For the next couple of weeks we tried to video her rolling over for everyone to see... but every time we'd turn the camera on she'd just lay there, then cry. Finally she showed her true colours to the electronic recording device and over she went. Here is the proof.
Happy 6th Birthday Twins!!!
13 years ago